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Polymers Testing

Engineering of materials using polymers requires knowledge of both the chemical properties and design of the materials used in the polymer system, as well as the physical properties of the manufactured product. Especially with modern engineered polymers, there can also be several other factors that require special attention including surface finish, coatings, and the presence of a number of different additives, both organic and inorganic. Advanced MicroAnalytical has the capacity to assist in polymer engineering challenges, from macroscale physical properties of bulk or large format polymer devices, through examination of dispersal and crystalline structure of the finest nano-particulate fillers or additives. 


Related Techniques
EDS/Elemental Mapping
Optical Microscopy
Particle Size Distribution Test
X-ray Imaging/3D X-Ray CT

Related Lab Services
Comparative Testing Lab
Compositional Analysis
Contamination Analysis Services
Engineering Support
Failure Analysis
Materials Characterization
Product Development R&D
Product/Process Validation
Quality Assurance
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